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Speaking at 2023 CIO PEER FORUM®

🎤🎭 Edmond Mellina, our president & co-founder, will be speaking at the 2023 CIO PEER FORUM® – the flagship event for top IT leaders presented by the CIO Association of Canada.

The session will be based on our keynote titled Six Change Personas™ for change makers.

Description below…

The Six Change Personas™

Multiplying your resilience and impact as a change-making CIO

CIOs are the ultimate change makers – constantly leading through transformation amidst tricky change politics.

As such, what is the best way to invest your limited time, energy, and influence? How can you leverage politics with integrity?

These two questions prompted Edmond to develop the Six Change Personas™ model during his days as a transformational CIO. He has been using the model ever since – first, as a business executive; then, for the past 20+ years, while advising clients through complex transformations.

In this highly dynamic and interactive session, Edmond will start by introducing the Six Change Personas™ (Campaigner; Helper; Skeptic; Wind Watcher; Foot Dragger; and Torpedo). He will share research data to highlight how prevalent each persona is during times of change.

He will then facilitate a discussion about the key implications for change-making CIOs. Finally, he will reveal the best strategies where it matters the most, i.e. with Skeptics, Wind Watchers and Foot Draggers.

Attend this session to multiply your impact and resilience as a change-making CIO!

You will receive a reference tent-card featuring the Six Change Personas™ on one side, and an infographic about the best strategies on the other side ⬇️

Box with reference tent-card for the Six Change Personas keynote for change makers

As ORCHANGO's editor, I post news and related articles about our firm on both our website and LinkedIn page. I also manage our YouTube channel.

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