The classic learning traps we avoid all the time — by design
- Participants who can’t get their mind off the work pilling up on their desk.
- Participants who feel the program didn’t connect with their reality and that it was a waste of time.
- Participants reverting to their old attitudes and behaviours after a few days back on the “treadmill of work”.
And, above all:
- Senior executives lamenting about the lack of value from their investments in learning & development…
The ideal outcomes we deliver all the time — by design
- Participants making huge progress on their pile of work – right in the classroom!
- Participants equipped with practical and proven tools to tackle their current challenges – exactly what they need, when they need it.
- Participants adopting new attitudes and behaviours – and using the tools they learnt on an ongoing basis.
But, first and foremost:
- Senior executives impressed with the impact of the learning program and praising your initiatives!
How we do it? With LEARN-and-EXECUTE®
All the ORCHANGO programs are designed according to our Learn-and-Execute® format.
Learn-and-Execute® integrates learning and executing at multiple levels and in a powerful way. We developed the methodology through extensive trial and error; hence, its effectiveness.
Focusing on the best case studies ever: the actual work duties & current projects of participants
Although we use special case studies or business simulations to help the learning process (e.g. the Korbus U.K. case in our STEP UP!™ game), we don’t rely on them.
Indeed, our philosophy is that participants have in their possession the best case studies ever: the actual work duties they have to fulfill and the projects they have to carry forward.
Therefore, our programs are designed to ensure participants immediately apply the tools they learn to tackle their current work challenges.
Front-line leaders participating in our LEADING CHANGE ON THE FRONTLINE program develop their own priority do-to-list and start working on it right in the classroom, with the support of effective coaching.
Unleashing the power of group reflection sessions
We recognize that deep and significant learning occurs only as a result of reflection. Experience is the best teacher, but only when participants reflect on their experiences in a thorough and effective manner.
Therefore, we complement each learning module with one or more ½-day (2 to 3.5 hours) group reflection sessions – typically held a few weeks after the learning module. This time lag provides participants with plenty of opportunities to solidify their learning – by continuing to apply the tools and concepts as they fulfill their duties and manage their projects. From these real-world experiences, participants derive critical insights into the challenge of leading change (or people) within the specific context of their respective organizations.
The facilitated reflection sessions help participants turn these insights into wisdom and expertise. The sessions represent quality opportunities for participants to stop and step back as a group; reflect on what they have learned through their actions; support and advise each other; and sustain their learning.
As importantly, the reflection sessions ensure participants implement the action plans they developed during each learning module. That is because they know that during the upcoming reflection session, they will take turn sharing what they have done; what worked; what didn’t; and what they learnt from it. This creates a “task tension” that ensures the learning program translates into behavioural change and business value.
Finally, our expert Learning Coaches & Consultants leverage the group dynamics throughout the reflection sessions to:
- Accelerate the necessary mindset / culture change.
- Strengthen the group’s ability to collaborate through change (Partners in Change™).
- Build stronger team dynamics.
During the one-day learning module of our program for change advocates and sales people – which is titled INFLUENCING WITHOUT AUTHORITY – each participant develops a plan to influence a specific change and get buy-in for the idea. In the ensuing days and weeks, the participants work on executing their respective plans. A month or so later, the participants gather again for a ½-day reflection session.
Anchoring the learning to the work cycles & project timelines
Instead of delivering, let’s say, a two-day program over consecutive days, we deliver two one-day modules over a few weeks.
Our flagship program for project teams – ROLLING OUT COMPLEX CHANGE INITIATIVES – unfolds over several weeks or even months, according to the timeframe of the change initiatives for which the participants are responsible.
This approach yields multiple benefits. The participants receive just-in-time learning in digestible pieces – exactly what they need, when they need it. The learning is focused on the best case studies ever: the actual change projects that the participants have to roll out. In between learning sessions, the participants have plenty of opportunities to apply their learning in the real-world. From these real-life experiences, they derive critical insights. Then the reflection sessions help the participants turn these insights into wisdom and expertise – as explained above.
The JMP case illustrates the effectiveness of our Learn-and-Execute® format.
The combination of learning and reflection sessions was both unique and powerful. I really enjoyed the whole program and the learning!
— Scott Shawyer, President, JMP Engineering
Learning over an extended period of time was key to reinforce the tools, techniques and principles. The most useful aspects of the program were: the reflection sessions; being able to learn and work together as a project team; and the real-life examples the facilitator shared with us – I still remember them. Excellent presenter. He made it fun!
— Laurens Van Pager, Director Branch Operations, JMP Engineering