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Best change management courses for the age of digital disruption. Period.

Powered by STEP UP!™ — a simulation that feels all too real!

Virtually all our change management courses feature STEP UP!™ – a facilitated learning game for organizations faced with fast-paced, ongoing and disruptive change.

STEP UP! is a serious game that is nevertheless highly engaging. Through this powerful competitive simulation, participants learn the essentials of the ORCHANGO Method™ for nimble change leadership.

Nimble toolkit for today’s world

Most organizations continue to rely on step-by-step change management methodologies developed in the mid-90s, when change was still relatively slow and controlled (e.g. Prosci’s ADKAR, Kotter’s 8 Steps; Anderson’s 9 Phases; etc.). It doesn’t work anymore.

Agile is better suited to our era of digital disruption. But to thrive (and survive), organizations need to raise the bar even further when it comes to change management!

Time and again, the ORCHANGO Method™ has proven amazingly effective when fast-paced, ongoing and disruptive change is the norm.

Participants in our programs learn a unique set of highly pragmatic tools & techniques to successfully drive or navigate change in the digital era.

Winning today & tomorrow

Our learning programs are specifically designed to reach two objectives that are absolutely critical to the survival of any organization:

  1. Execute current change and innovate successfully.
  2. Build change capabilities for an increasingly digital world.

We fulfill this ambitious mandate through our distinctive Learn-and-Execute® methodology, which integrates learning and execution in a very powerful way. It is the ultimate solution to sustain learning and maximize R.O.I.

A specific learning program for each audience

We have the best change management courses for executives, mid-level managers, front-line leaders, project teams, corporate innovators, change agents, individual contributors, mixed audiences, etc. We even have a program for Board of Directors. To address special audiences, context or objectives, we use customized versions of these programs.

Each program has three versions: for SMEs, mid-size businesses and large-organizations.

Our flagship program: Nimble Change Leadership™

This high-impact, unmatched learning experience is powered by our STEP UP!™ Game simulation. It is the perfect program to build nimble change leadership for the next normal!

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