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Keynote: From Sluggish to Nimble™ by ORCHANGO's Edmond Mellina

Duration, audience, language

  • Duration: 30-90 minutes (or more with a keynote + workshop combo).
  • Format: in-person, live-virtual or hybrid.
  • Target audience: C-Suite Executives & Corporate Directors.
  • Language: English or French.


Businesses started embracing change management as a formal discipline around the time Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph founded Netflix. Since then, change has accelerated as much as their Netflix’s delivery model.

Yet organizations have not adapted to the new nature of change – which is fast-paced, ongoing, and disruptive. They continue to rely on methods, mindsets and structures developed when the pace of change was relatively controlled; when the dust had time to settle.

As a result, businesses struggle with the transformation imperative of the new normal.

In this highly dynamic and interactive keynote, Edmond points to five mindset shifts that are necessary to move from sluggish to nimble. These shifts mean:

  1. Rethinking the overall approach to change management.
  2. Debunking the myth of the importance of Executive Sponsorship.
  3. Moving away from the centralized approach to change capability building that has been prevalent until now.
  4. Seriously challenging the usefulness of mainstream approaches to change management (Prosci and the likes).
  5. Revisiting how we deal with corporate politics during times of change.

In essence, it is about pivoting from sluggish change management to nimble change leadership.

Edmond delivers this keynote with the passion, humour and engaging style that are his trademarks.

Note: the infographic below captures the five mindset shifts.

Key highlights

  1. Discuss the five mindset shifts necessary to move from sluggish to nimble.
  2. Assess your organization’s current approach to change management and identify practical ways to modernize it.
  3. Get inspired to build a nimbler organization for the age of digital disruption!

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Change Leadership – From Sluggish To Nimble: 5 Mindset Shifts For The New Normal Infographic By ORCHANGO
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