ORCHANGO's president & co-founder Edmond Mellina will present once again at the Institute for Performance…
ORCHANGO president will speak again at i4PL 2019
ORCHANGO’s president & co-founder Edmond Mellina will be presenting once again at the national conference of the Institute for Performance and Learning (i4PL) in October. This will be Edmond’s 5th appearance at this annual event.
The topic of his session will be: “Transform your Organization and its Corporate Culture While Executing the Strategy“.
Session Description
In our increasingly digital world, corporate transformation has become a top imperative across sectors. To succeed with the challenge, it is critical to work on three tightly-integrated thrusts:
1. Strategic / business planning & execution;
2. Leadership & change capability building;
3. Culture change − which is the thrust around which everything else evolves.
The L&D function has a unique opportunity to play a critical, integrative role on these thrusts – hence adding tremendous value to the organization, and being seen as such by the C-suite.
This workshop will be highly engaging and interactive. You will devise pragmatic ways to play a bigger role in making your organization “future-ready”. Edmond will fuel and guide your reflection by drawing on his rich international experience executing challenging corporate transformations.
Learn with a respected expert in the field how you can raise your game and earn a seat at the table!
For more info: https://i4plconference.ca/
Photo credit: ©i4plconference.ca
ORCHANGO [awr-cheyn-goh] is a Canadian-based management consulting and learning agency established in 2002. Our specialty is change management when change is fast-paced, constant, overlapping and disruptive. We build the change capabilities of public and private sector clients while helping them win in an increasingly digital world. ORCHANGO.COM
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