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It’s going to be different this time!

Keynote for EMBA in Digital Transformation of DeGroote School of Business 2020

This Friday and as usual each September, ORCHANGO president & co-founder Edmond Mellina will go to DeGroote School of Business (McMaster University) to judge case presentations and deliver a keynote to the finishing cohort of their amazing EMBA in Digital Transformation:

LIGHT-SIDE POLITICS™How to use internal politics ethically when leading change

However, it will be quite different this year due to COVID-19! As you can see in the above picture, the school has transformed its amphitheatre to safely accommodate a mixed in-person/virtual audience.

Kudos to them for doing that, as well as for allowing Edmond to move around the podium (within a well delimited perimeter). Indeed, as anybody who’s seen him deliver a speech or facilitate a learning program knows, he’s never really been a podium speaker: he is too dynamic for that! 😊🎤

Edmond commented:

I’m really looking forward to meeting this year’s finishing cohort! It’s always a very special end-of-EMBA week for the students and the energy is fantastic!! Even more so this year given the pandemic.

As ORCHANGO's editor, I post news and related articles about our firm on both our website and LinkedIn page. I also manage our YouTube channel.

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