ORCHANGO's president & co-founder Edmond Mellina will present once again at the Institute for Performance…
ORCHANGO announces new contract with Islamic Development Bank Group in Saudi Arabia
NEWS RELEASE | January 03, 2009 | Toronto, ON, Canada
ORCHANGO, a firm with world-class expertise in change management that specializes in helping organizations adapt to change, is pleased to announce a new contract with the Islamic Development Bank Group (IDBG) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
“The bank has engaged us again”, commented ORCHANGO president Edmond Mellina. “A couple of years ago, we delivered our flagship Change Master Program to a group of change agents responsible for the SAP implementation. Since then, IDBG has embarked on a group-wide Reform. The objective is to reinvent the institution and enable its journey towards an ambitious Vision for the upcoming decade. Our mandate is to guide the change management aspects of the Reform and, more strategically, the evolution of the organizational culture. The fact the bank came back to us is a great testament to the value of the ORCHANGO Change Management System.”
The purpose of the Bank is to foster the economic development and social progress of member countries and Muslim communities, in accordance with the principles of Shari’ah i.e. Islamic Law. www.isdb.org
Our specialty is to help organizations adapt to change. We provide world-class expertise in change management. We serve the diverse needs of our clients through three lines of business: Learning; Consulting; and Speaking. Our unique toolkit includes: STEP UP!™, a learning game of change management; and CHECK UP!™, a special survey to help our clients drive organizational change and measure their change capabilities. www.orchango.com
Edmond Mellina | emellina@orchango.com | +1-416-607-6474
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