After seeing ORCHANGO's president & co-founder Edmond Mellina speak at the annual conference of the…
ORCHANGO wins project with the Islamic Development Bank against an international field
NEWS RELEASE | December 10, 2006 | Toronto, ON, Canada
ORCHANGO, a firm with world-class expertise in change management that specializes in helping organizations adapt to change, is pleased to announce it will deliver its flagship Change Master program to the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The participants will be middle-managers responsible for the bank’s SAP implementation.
“We were competing against a very strong international field”, commented ORCHANGO president Edmond Mellina. “IDB was looking for world-class change management and learning expertise to support its critical SAP implementation. After researching top providers around the world, the bank issued a Request For Proposal to a very select group of vendors – including ORCHANGO. It was a challenging process, but we are glad IDB recognized the value of our unique approach and expertise.”
In accordance with ORCHANGO’s LEARN-and-EXECUTE® methodology, the participant will learn how to manage organizational change while implementing SAP.
IDB will benefit from the latest iteration of the ORCHANGO Change Master Program™, which results from a major upgrade.
ABOUT the Islamic Development Bank
The purpose of the Bank is to foster the economic development and social progress of member countries and Muslim communities, in accordance with the principles of Shari’ah i.e. Islamic Law.
Our specialty is to help organizations adapt to change. We provide world-class expertise in change management. We serve the diverse needs of our clients through three lines of business: Learning; Consulting; and Speaking. Our unique toolkit includes: STEP UP!™, a learning game of change management; and CHECK UP!™, a special survey to help our clients drive organizational change and measure their change capabilities.
Edmond Mellina | | +1-416-607-6474
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