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Event sponsor: Leadership is half the story

NEWS RELEASE | March 23, 2015 | Toronto, ON, Canada

ORCHANGO, a firm with world-class expertise in change management that specializes in building the change capabilities of organizations while helping them execute strategic change, is pleased to announce it will be the lead sponsor for the upcoming event of the Strategic Capability Network (SCNetwork).

SCNetwork is the Canadian affiliate of US-based HR People & Strategy (HRPS) – the executive arm of SHRM, the world’s largest HR membership organization. ORCHANGO has been a select corporate sponsor of this respected non-profit association for the past eight years.

For 2015, the other sponsors are: Aon Hewitt; The Bagg Group; Felix Global Corp.; Hay Group; Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions; Korn/Ferry International; McDowall Associates; RHR International; Rideau Recognition Solutions; SHL and Verity International Ltd.

Leadership Is Half The Story

Date: March 25th, 2015
Time: 7:30 am – 9:30 am
Speakers: Samantha and Marc Hurwitz
Venue: The National Club, 303 Bay Street, Toronto ON Canada + webcast

Event overview:

Can you imagine a choreographer training only one dancer to lead while his or her partner sits in the lobby staring at the wall? Unthinkable? Yet this happens all the time within businesses and organizations. Half the partnership is missing!

There is a notion that everyone should be a leader all the time and, if leadership is so game changing, we must need more of it from everyone, all the time. In fact, research shows that it takes both roles – leadership AND followership – to get the best results. They are equally valuable. Leadership is one half of a partnership.

Leadership is Half the Story is a fresh look at leadership, followership, and partnerships. It introduces the first model to seamlessly integrate these ideas so that nobody is left sitting in the lobby. The speakers offer a host of new ideas and practical advice that is research-backed and field-tested, based on their brand new book: Leadership is Half the Story: A Fresh Look at Followership, Leadership and Collaboration (University of Toronto Press, Rotman School of Business Imprint, March 2015). It is a category-busting book that “practically glows with energy and vision,“ according to reviewer Marshall Goldsmith, bestselling author and top ranked executive coach.



The Strategic Capability Network (SCNetwork) is a membership-based organization founded in 1979 for business leaders by business leaders. SCNetwork helps leaders achieve competitive strength through people, by providing a forum for leading-edge thinking and application. Our monthly events feature provocative and thoughtful speakers on issues preoccupying today’s organizations.


Our specialty is to build the change capabilities of organizations and help them execute strategic change. We provide world-class expertise in change management. Our training programs leverage the power of learning while executing. Our unique toolkit includes: STEP UP!™ – a learning game (simulation) of change management; CHECK UP!™ – a special survey to measure and drive the change capabilities of client organizations; and monitor the levels of support or resistance for specific change initiatives.


Edmond Mellina | | +1-416-607-6474

As ORCHANGO's editor, I post news and related articles about our firm on both our website and LinkedIn page. I also manage our YouTube channel.

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