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Speaking at I4PL Toronto

ORCHANGO's president & co-founder Edmond Mellina will be speaking at the Toronto chapter of I4PL on Feb-25-2025. ____ Lead Change Agility Reinventing change management for today’s realities

After seeing ORCHANGO’s president & co-founder Edmond Mellina speak at the annual conference of the Institute for Performance & Learning (I4PL), the local Toronto chapter reached out for a follow-up session.

On Feb-25, Edmond will be highlighting for the audience of Learning & Development (L&D) professionals a unique opportunity for the L&D function: reinventing change management for today’s realities!

Click here to register via I4PL’s website.

Lead Change Agility: Reinventing Change Management for Today’s Realities

Organizations struggle with the new nature of change. Hence, we must rethink traditional change management. L&D is uniquely positioned to lead the reinvention and cultivate change agility! ORCHANGO’s thought-leader Edmond Mellina will explain how…

Organizations started embracing change management as a formal discipline when the pace of change was relatively controlled, when the dust had time to settle.

Today’s nature of change is fundamentally different: fast-paced, ongoing, and disruptive. Yet, organizations continue to rely on methods, mindsets and structures designed for the old nature of Change. It’s no surprise that they struggle to adapt to the constant changes of today’s world.

In this highly dynamic and interactive session, thought-leader Edmond Mellina will point to five mindset shifts that are necessary to move from sluggish to nimble.

These shifts mean:

1. Rethinking the overall approach to change management.

2. Debunking the myth of the importance of Executive Sponsorship.

3. Moving away from the centralized approach to change capability building that has been prevalent until now.

4. Seriously challenging the usefulness of mainstream approaches to change management.

5. Revisiting how we deal with corporate politics during times of change.

In essence, it is about pivoting from traditional change management – which is sluggish by design – to Nimble Change Leadership™.

Edmond will also share a far better way to explain the why for a change… He will deliver this keynote with the passion, humour, and engaging style that are his trademarks.

As ORCHANGO's editor, I post news and related articles about our firm on both our website and LinkedIn page. I also manage our YouTube channel.

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